What is a Personal Colour Analysis?
Personal Colour Analysis is an in depth process that determines your skin tone and which colour quadrant you may fall into! The Colour Analysis will enable you to learn which colours enhance, make you look younger, brighter and giving you a fabulous glow.
So what is a Personal Colour Analysis?
We start with an online introductory session and get to know one another over a 20-30 minute Zoom call – I’ll send you the link.
We will:
- Discuss what you like and don’t like and what you are comfortable with.
- I’ll run an initial colour analysis.
- Then I’ll send you a questionnaire for you to complete in your own time.
- We will book the second part for a more detailed session.
- In that session I’ll run through my full report and give you my recommendations.
At the end you you will have a full report to help you choose the colours that connect with you
Please use the contact form below so I can arrange for an informal introduction.
When online please do not wear makeup – but if you feel uncomfortable with this then please only wear a lick of mascara as I will need to check out your skin tone.
We will run through my checklist and at the end of the intro session we will make sure that your full 30 – 40 minute consultation is booked. I’ll also ask you to email a photo of your head and shoulders and then I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete and return when you are ready.
I’ll do my research and matching…and in our full consultation I will be able to reveal what colours suit your tone and what colours will make you glow. This can be really empowering as you will now have the tools to shop easier, quicker, and cheaper.
I’ll also send your colour pallet to your mobile so when out shopping, or online, this will become your go to reference point – giving you the additional confidence at your fingertips.
And why not have a Body Shape Analysis in conjunction with the Colour analysis? Or try my Personal Styling session – You will really reap the benefits, not only will you be able to go straight to the colours that suit you – but will also be able to go straight to the styles that suit you too – Wow!
And save £50 by booking the two together
You can then go to town on your existing wardrobe and prioritise the colours and styles that work for you – and if you get stuck you can always come back to me for one of my Wardrobe De-Clutter sessions – we will have some real fun!
Why not book a session now?